November 10, 2012

Refugees from Iraq:Their History, Cultures, and Background Experiences

Refugees from Iraq:Their History, Cultures, and Background Experiences
Author: Edmund Ghareeb, Donald Ranard, and Jenab Tutunji
Publisher: CAL
Publication date: 2008
Number of pages: 44
Format / Quality: PDF/excellent
Size: 1.22 MB  


A Reference Grammar Of Syrian Arabic

A Reference Grammar Of Syrian Arabic
Author: Mark W. Cowell
Publisher: Georgetown University Press
Publication date: 2005
ISBN: 978-1589010512
Number of pages: 616
Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 122MB


The Arabs: A History

The Arabs: A History
Author: Eugene Rogan
Publisher: Basic Books
Publication date: 2011
ISBN: 0465025048
Number of pages: 608
Format / Quality: EPUB
Size: 3MB

In this definitive history of the modern Arab world, award-winning historian Eugene Rogan draws extensively on Arab sources and texts to place the Arab experience in its crucial historical context for the first time. Tracing five centuries of Arab history, Rogan reveals that there was an age when the Arabs set the rules for the rest of the world. Today, however, the Arab world’s sense of subjection to external powers carries vast consequences for both the region and Westerners who attempt to control it.
Updated with a new epilogue, The Arabs is an invaluable, groundbreaking work of history.


Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies

Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies
Author: James Watson, Anne Hill
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Publication date: 2012 8th ed.
ISBN: 1849665281
Number of pages: 368
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 4MB


National Geographic Traveler - November 2012 / USA

National Geographic Traveler Magazine: Discover a wealth of vacation ideas for the U.S., Canada, and overseas destinations. Each issue of National Geographic Traveler features superb photography, lively stories and features and a wide range of practical travel advice. This award-winning bimonthly publication has everything you need to plan the perfect trip.

November 8, 2012

Archaeology of knowledge (Routledge Classics)

"Next to Sartre's Search for a Method and in direct opposition to it, Foucault's work is the most noteworthy effort at a theory of history in the last 50 years." -- Library Journal


October 29, 2012

Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction

This second edition of Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction expands and improves upon a truly unique introductory syntax textbook. Like the first edition, its focus is on the development of precisely formulated grammars whose empirical predictions can be directly tested. There is also considerable emphasis on the prediction and evaluation of grammatical hypotheses, as well as on integrating syntactic hypotheses with matters of semantic analysis.


Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

American poet Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, is a collection of poems notable for its frank delight in and praise of the senses, during a time when such candid displays were considered immoral. Where much previous poetry, especially English, relied on symbolism, allegory, and meditation on the religious and spiritual, Leaves of Grass exalted the body and the material world.


October 25, 2012

Grammar and Beyond Level 1 Student's Book

Based on extensive research, Grammar and Beyond ensures that students study accurate information about grammar and apply it in their own speech and writing. Student's Book, Level 1 is the main component of Grammar and Beyond. In each unit, students study the grammar in a realistic text and through charts and notes informed by a billion-word corpus of authentic language.
The exercises provide practice in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, making this a complete course. Students learn to avoid common mistakes, based on an extensive corpus of learner language. Each unit concludes with a Grammar for Writing section, in which students apply the grammar in an extended writing task.


ESL/EFL Grammar Worksheets e-book

This ESL Grammar E-book features several printable grammar exercises to use in your English Grammar lessons. The exercises are carefully classified under the most popular grammar topics commonly taught. All the exercises in the e-books are developed by a team of teachers who know the realities of teaching English Grammar to foreign language learners. They have therefore only included exercises that have been used in class. The materials are mostly used by ESL/EFL teachers of BEGINNER, ELEMENTARY, PREINTERMEDIATE & INTERMEDIATE levels


Premium Merriam-Webster’s Advanced® Learner’s English Dictionary For Babylon

Nearly 100,000 words and phrases, more than 160,000 usage examples, more than 22,000 idioms, commonly used phrases, more than 1,000 original drawings, 30 pages of grammar, and more.


Clockwise Elementary - Complete Pack

  • Practical syllabus includes pronunciation and lots of oral practice, as well as memory skills and timed activities to encourage fast, relevant learning.
  • Introduces work on features of spoken English, conversational tactics, and high frequency idiomatic vocabulary.
  • Clear objectives in each lesson encourage achievement and progress.
  • Short lessons can be used in any order, allowing choice in topic and syllabus coverage.
  • All-in-one Classbook, with Practice section and writing activities.
  • Photocopiable Teacher's Resource Pack at each level for supplementing and adapting. 
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Clockwise Intermediate - Student's Book + Audio

Designed for learners who want to make effective progress in a short time, this course concentrates on developing fluency, refreshing key grammar areas, and extending vocabulary. 40 hours per level. No practice book, practice pages are included in the coursebook.


Clockwise ESL

Clockwise is an intensive refresher course in general English for adults, with an emphasis on improving the quality of students' language performance. It is designed for university students and adults in the working world with limited time and money, who want confidence in general English quickly and effectively, for social interaction and travel or functional purposes. Its image is adult, clear, simple, spacious, accessible, and businesslike.

This week, Share My Shelves is glad to provide links to this valuable series.

October 15, 2012

Language and Power


Substantial changes in social life have taken place during the past decade which have changed the nature of unequal power relations, and therefore the agenda for the critical study of language. In this second edition, Norman Fairclough brings the discussion completely up-to-date with the inclusion of a new chapter covering the 'globalisation' of power relations and the development of the internet in relation to language and power.

August 7, 2012

The Teacher nr 3 (97) 2012

1. Check It Out!

- Book reviews

- Language in practice

2. Activators

- Successful speaking (oral matura exam 2012+)

3. ELT

- Multiple intelligences

4. Young Learners

- Dealing with differences in lower primary

5. Coaching And Teaching

- Coaching approach in language school

6. Dickens' Corner

- Charles Dickens 200 Years

7. Culture

- What the heck are ya' talkin' about?

8. Technology Tips

- Lingubots (features and usage)

9. Activators 2

- The Cuisenaire Rods (a fascinating aid)

10. Methods

- Teacher express well-seasoned recipes for revision lessons  

Learning To Teach English in the Secondary School

This text blends theory and practice to present a broad introduction to the practice of teaching English in secondary school classrooms. Taking as its starting point the nature of English as a subject, the book explores how students and practising teachers can monitor and develop their own practice through a range of approaches. Chapters cover the key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening, and there are also sections on drama, poetry, teaching grammar, approaching Shakespeare, and using information technology in the English classroom.

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August 2, 2012

UK vs US spelling: Separated by a Common Language

Communicating with friends across the pond is a perpetual problem. American and British spelling differences include simple changes that affect the meaning, pronunciation and use of words. Today, native and non-native English speakers are the largest group in the world, but the dialects they speak are shockingly different. Linguists have pinpointed the transition to today’s English to sometime during the 1800s.

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The Teacher nr 2 2012


The Teacher nr 2 (96) 2012
A monthly magazine for the teachers of English. Features information on the new trends in technology, preparing secondary classes for exams, young learners issues, junior high school problems, literature, methodology tips, culture, travelling, ELT, drama, and grammar.

June 18, 2012

Grammar for Young Learners

Helps teachers of young learners introduce and practise grammar in a fun and motivating way. Steers a middle course between grammar-based and communicative approaches to teaching: meaning is the main focus of all language teaching and grammar is an intrinsic part of making meaning explicit.

Assessing Young Learners

It is generally accepted that we teach young learners differently from older ones. A whole range of entertaining, motivating, creative, and above all, physically engaging activities has been developed in recent years, to keep pace with the growth in demand for materials to teach this special group of learners. However, when it comes to assessing the progress of young learners, we often find ourselves driven back on testing materials which are more appropriate for use with older learners.
This book will therefore be particularly welcome as it attempts to link assessment with instruction. If teaching is focused on physically engaging, creative, entertaining activities, then these should also be the focus of any assessment which is carried out. Teaching and assessment thus become congruent, not inconsistent. 

May 21, 2012

Foreign Policy - May/June 2012

Foreign Policy explores the issues, people and agendas that shape the political world. These pages bring you unsurpassed depth and political insights on global trends in economy and security issues. You can check out reviews of important books not published in English. Leading foreign journalists from around the world share their insights and expertise. Foreign Policy is a hit with policymakers, business leaders and scholars. 

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National Geographic Interactive - May 2012

National Geographic Magazine: Since 1888, the magazine of the National Geographic Society has brought the world home to millions of readers through brilliantly vivid photographs, illustrated maps and compelling stories that bring natural history, culture, science and the various regions of the globe to life. 

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Improve Your Memory

Improve Your Memory (Sixth Edition) introduces the essential principles of memory to increase your ability to retain what you read, perform better on tests, or just remember where you last placed your car keys. This book is perfect for high school students, college students, or anyone seeking to improve his or her memory power. Understand the different kinds of memory and practice the latest techniques and proven formulas that can boost your memory power. Evaluate your memory with the self-quizzes at the beginning of the book to identify areas that require the most improvement. By the time you work your way to the final chapter to perform another round of self-quizzes, you will be amazed at your newly developed memory power.

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The Quest :Reading Tree

This book is part of the phenomenally successful Oxford Reading Tree which is used to teach reading in 80% of primary schools. The stories within it are about much-loved Biff, Chip and Kipper, their friends and family, and the exciting adventures they have together

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A Day in London

This book is part of the phenomenally successful Oxford Reading Tree which is used to teach reading in 80% of primary schools. The stories within it are about much-loved Biff, Chip and Kipper, their friends and family, and the exciting adventures they have together

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May 12, 2012

A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory

This edition of the bestselling guide retains the strong features of the original book; offering a comprehensive coverage of the main literary theories, further readings and bibliographies. At the same time, the new edition adds material on contemporary literary theories, such as: cultural materialism, post-colonial theory, feminist theory, black British, Afro-American, Asian, Caribbean theory, and gay, lesbian and queer theory. The book can be used in conjunction with Practising Theory and Reading Literature. 

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May 9, 2012

Basics - Classroom English

When we began writing the book, we were thinking of the teachers we had trained to teach English. None of them were specialist teachers of English, and most of them had few opportunities to learn and use English themselves. They all taught learners who were beginners—either complete beginners or learners who were in their second or third years of learning English. To help these teachers, we have tried to use easily understood English. We have also tried to write the book as if we were talking directly to the teacher. In this way, we hope the book will be friendly and easy to use.

Basics - Simple Listening Activities

This book contains thirty activities at elementary level, all of them dealing with topics which form part of everybody's daily lives , for example, families and leisure activities. The only materials the teacher and class need are the board, paper, and pens. 

Basics - Teaching Grammar

Twenty-five lessons illustrate a wide variety of techniques to introduce and practice a range of grammatical structures between elementary and intermediate level. The lessons are easy to follow, prepare, and adapt, and the teaching ideas introduced would be useful for both less experienced teachers and teachers who wish to broaden their repertoire. Few or no additional resources are required. 

Basics for Children - Starting and Ending Lessons

The idea behind this book is to provide a range of short activities that require little or no preparation to deal with the situations outlined above. These activities can be used at the start of a lesson as warm-up activities to settle the children into their lesson and to switch them onto English. Alternatively, they can be used at the end of the lesson to fill an unexpected five or ten minutes when another activity has run short, or maybe it has run long, not leaving enough time to do whatever else was planned. They can be used at any time to bring variety to the classroom dynamics, while creating opportunities for lots of revision and recycling of language. Essentially the activities are ideas to have up your sleeve in the young learners’ classroom to deal with those unexpected moments and to help meet the learning needs of under eleven-year-olds.
The activities selected range in age and level, including ideas for non­ readers and writers. A lot of these ideas involve movement, but very few resources; mostly just paper, pens, the board, and simple pictures. 

May 4, 2012

ELT Journal Jan 2012

ELT Journal is a quarterly publication for all those involved in the field of teaching English as a second or foreign language. It seeks to bridge the gap between the everyday practical concerns of ELT professionals and related disciplines such as education, linguistics, psychology, and sociology that may offer significant insights. 

May 3, 2012

Happy House 2 New Edition SB + TB

A two-year course, starting with listening and speaking and introducing the written word in the second year.

Reduced version  (13.3 Mb )

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April 30, 2012

BBC History UK - May 2012

BBC History UK - May 2012
Publisher: BBC
Publication date: April 2012
Number of pages: 100
Format / Quality: PDF HQ
Size: 79,52 MB

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Fun and Games in English

Based around the themes of "Me", "My Family", "Food", "Animals", "Toys and Games" and "The Little Red Hen", this teacher resource book gives the teacher of younger children (between the ages of 5 and 7) more than 40 varied language activities, with extensive teacher's notes for each one, following a graded language syllabus. 

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Building Blocks for English

The 39 activities in 'BUILDING BLOCKS for English' provide teachers with a systematic approach to the progression of study skills and language development in 9-11 year olds. Through a series of activities, learners move beyond simple repetition of words to generation of language through recognition of word partners and patterns. 

April 29, 2012

100% Vocabulary (Primary)

100% Vocabulary is designed to be used with a broad range of learners from grades one through eight. These students may have language delays or disorders, learning disabilities, hearing impairments, or be from a second-language background. These activities can be easily used by speech-language pathologists, special education teachers, regular classroom teachers, teachers supporting second language learners, para-professionals, and parents. 100% Vocabulary can be used in a variety of contexts including speech-language settings, resource rooms, classrooms, and the home environment.

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Prefixes and Suffixes: Teaching Vocabulary to Improve Reading Comprehension (Grades 4-8)

By teaching students how to "dissect" words using the lessons in Prefixes and Suffixes, they will learn how to comprehend multisyllabic words, not just decode them. The activities in this resource incorporate all levels of literacy to maximize the transfer of vocabulary into students' speech, writing, and reading comprehension. 

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April 28, 2012

New Total English Elementary - VIDEO

A course for young adults and adults, New Total English has been completely revised and updated to make it even more engaging and easy to use. With its clearly defined learning objectives and authentic content, New Total English includes new reading and listening texts, new video clips and a completely revised grammatical, lexical and pronunciation syllabus.

Prefixes - Suffixes

This book features a variety of reproducible, child-created mini-books designed to help students gain mastery of language arts skills. As children read and reread their instant books, they will improve their understanding of prefixes and suffixes, and increase their vocabulary. Ideal for extension activities, learning centers, or homework. 

April 14, 2012

National Geographic USA - April 2012

The National Geographic magazine is famous the world over for its impressive journalism on science, plantlife and animals. Even more so its photographic content is unsurpassed in the magazine market - at least on the topic of natural sciences. A perfect bound magazine, National Geographic is one to collect. 

March 28, 2012

Real Life Global Elementary Active Teach [CD-ROM]

Contains electronic version of each page of the Students’ Book with zoomable areas, integrated audio, DVD and interactive activities
Includes the Skills Multi-ROM exercises that can be used in the classroom
Bank of teaching materials in the Teacher’s Resources section:
- extra photocpiable / downloadable grammar, vocabulary and skills activities
- activities to activate language introduced in Can you do it in English?
- activities based on the listening material in the Students’ book
- worksheets for the DVD
- ideas for short classroom activities 

March 22, 2012

Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose

  • Provides students with a systematic introduction to and explanation of the main features of 'style'
  • Contains a series of close analyses of extracts from a wide range of novels and stories for great depth of coverage
  • Includes an abundance of new material, addressing the massive changes in the discipline that have taken place over the last 25 years
  • The ‘Further Reading’ section and the bibliographical references have been thoroughly update. 

An Introduction to Functional Grammar

This revised edition of the classic treatment of its subject presents an outline of the grammar of modern English in the framework of systemic-functional linguistic theory and serves as an introduction to functional theory in general, which can be used for describing any language in its own terms. The description of English presented here has been widely used in a number of applied linguistics contexts, particularly artificial intelligence and language education,both second language and mother tongue, but also in literary stylistics and other fields requiring a rich interpretation of the text. 

The Functional Analysis of English: A Hallidayan Approach

This book presents the principles of a Hallidayan approach to language studies, and introduces a set of techniques for the grammatical analysis of English. It includes an overview of the applications of functional grammar that demonstrates the practical importance of linguistic theory and analysis in relation to issues in education and society. This edition also locates Michael Halliday and his school within the history of linguistics. Linguistic terms are clearly explained and illustrated with authentic examples from a wide variety of sources including scientific and technical texts. 

March 20, 2012

Google celebrates Independence Day in Tunisia

Thank you for celebrating Independence Day with us Mr. Google

Business Result Elementary

Key features

  • Communicative syllabus provides pick-up-and-use business skills.
  • Real-world case studies deliver authentic insights into key business issues.
  • The Expert View from Cranfield School of Management offers authoritative business commentary on every case study.
  • Interactive Workbook on CD-ROM - included with every Student's Book - gives students a complete self-study resource.
  • Teacher Training DVD with every Teacher's Book shows classroom footage, includes author commentary, and covers three pedagogical areas per level.        
  • Download

March 10, 2012

Topics in linguistics – ISSUE 3: Interface Between Pragmatics and Other Linguistic Disciplines


Topics in linguistics is an international scientific magazine published by UKF in Slovakia and Its target readers are those who are interested in area of linguists and scientists of intercultural communication, critical discourse analysis, pragmatics and sociolinguistics.  There are several issues, each oriented on different aspect of linguistics. 


Topics in linguistics – ISSUE 4: Interface Between Pragmatics and Other Linguistic Disciplines 2

Topics in linguistics is an international scientific magazine published by UKF in Slovakia and Its target readers are those who are interested in area of linguists and scientists of intercultural communication, critical discourse analysis, pragmatics and sociolinguistics.  There are several issues, each oriented on different aspect of linguistics.


March 7, 2012

Face2Face Starter workBook


The presentation and practice of vocabulary and grammar are of equal importance and there is a strong focus on listening and speaking with an emphasis on 'real world' language for social situations. The listening and reading material provides fresh new angles on universal topics, and students are given numerous opportunities to practise new language through a wide variety of communicative activities, many of which are personalised. face2face is also fully compatible with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and gives students regular opportunities to evaluate their progress. Each self-contained double-page lesson is easily teachable off the page with minimal preparation.