September 19, 2011

Aspects of Clause Structure in Standard Arabic

Aspects of Clause Structure in Standard Arabic: A Study in Relational Grammar  
State University of NY At Buffalo | 1985  | 321 pages | 5.53 Mb

The present study aims at examining aspects of the clause structure in Standard Arabic (SA); specifically, those clauses which involve and are relevant to "double accusatives". Double accusatives denote clausal structures having two nominais marked for the accusative case. Linguists like Wright (1974) and Comrie (1976) make the strong claim that SA tolerates "double direct object" constructions. Accord- ingly, such constructions violate a universal posited in the linguistic theory of Relational Grammar (RG), the Stratal Uniqueness Law which states that no more than one nominal can bear a given grammatical re- lation like direct object in a single level of structure. 


September 18, 2011

An Introduction to Functional Grammar, 3 edition

Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday, Christian M. I. M. Matthiessen, "An Introduction to Functional Grammar, 3 edition"
A Hodder Arnold Publication | 2004 | ISBN: 0340761679 | 700 pages | PDF | 3 MB

In this extensively revised third edition, Halliday and Matthiessen retain the organization and topical coverage of the earlier editions, while incorporating a considerable amount of new material. They give greater emphasis to the systemic perspective, in which grammaticalization is understood in the context of an overall model of language. Their description of grammar is grounded in a comprehensive theory, but it is a theory which evolves in the process of being applied. 


August 24, 2011

The Syntax of Arabic

Recent research on the syntax of Arabic has produced valuable literature on the major syntactic phenomena found in the language. This guide to Arabic syntax provides an overview of the major syntactic constructions in Arabic that have featured in recent linguistic debates, and discusses the analyses provided for them in the literature. A broad variety of topics are covered, including argument structure, negation, tense, agreement phenomena, and resumption. 


August 10, 2011

A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic

Cambridge University Press | 2005| ISBN: 0521777712 |736 pages | PDF | 123 Mb

Keeping technical terminology to a minimum, this comprehensive handbook provides a detailed yet accessible overview of Arabic wherein its phonology, morphology and syntax can be readily accessed. Accompanied by extensive examples, it will prove an invaluable practical guide for supporting students' textbooks, classroom work or self-study, and a useful resource for scholars and professionals.

Part1 Part2 Part3

Everyday Chocolate: 120 Tasty Recipes

 Barbour Pub Inc | English | 2010 | ISBN-10: 1602609640 | PDF | 144 Pages | 12.4 Mb

Everyday Chocolate is chock-full of tasty tasty recipes—cakes, pies, candies, and other confections—all featuring chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate! It’s great for anytime gifts and personal use! 

Encyclopedia of the Great Plains Indians

In referring to Native Americans (Indians) the Book of Mormon says, "and many generations shall not pass away among them, save they shall be a white and delightsome people"..Until the last two centuries, the human landscapes of the Great Plains were shaped solely by Native Americans, and since then the region has continued to be defined by the enduring presence of its Indigenous peoples. The Encyclopedia of the Great Plains Indians offers a sweeping overview, across time and space, of this story in 123 entries drawn from the acclaimed Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, together with 23 new entries focusing on contemporary Plains Indians, and many new photographs. 


The Golf Course Locator for Business Professionals

The Golf Course Locator for Business Professionals
Aspatore Books | 2003 | ISBN: 1587623447 | Pages: 175 | PDF | 15.70 MB

Have you ever needed to find a public golf course, immediately? Ever wished you could hold those critical out-of-town business meetings on the links, if only you knew where they were? Or have you even just wanted to get away and find a game between meetings, while on the road?


Simply Golf: Back to Basics

Simply Golf: Back to Basics
 Hinkler Books | ISBN: 1741216370 |  2004 | PDF | 65 pages | 20.4 mb

Regardless of your level, Simply Golf has something in it for you! Let Steve Bann, one of the world's best known golf coaches, help you to reach your golfing potential. In his approach, Bann takes into account individual difference including body type, age and athletic ability. Simply Golf focuses on the enjoyment of the game. If you are interested in learning about golf, developing your technique, or simply hearing golf tips from the coach of the greats, then this kit is for you. The kit contains a 64-page full-color book with step-by-step instructions for achieving your full potential in golf, exploring golfing technique, strategy, physical ability and mental skills... 


La régente de Carthage

Nicolas Beau et Catherine Graciet "La régente de Carthage"
Editions La Découverte |  2009 | ISBN: 2707152625 | 178 pages | PDF  | 1 MB

Dans une atmosphère de fin de règne, la Tunisie du général président Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali a vu son épouse, Leila Trabelsi, jouer depuis plusieurs années un rôle déterminant dans la gestion du pays. Main basse sur la Tunisie : telle semble être l'obsession du clan familial de la " présidente ", comme le relatent en détail les auteurs de ce livre, informé aux meilleures sources et peu avare en révélations... 

"Notre Ami Ben Ali"

N.Beau JP.Tuquoi , "Notre Ami Ben Ali"
La Découverte | 2011 ISBN 2707137103 | 246 pages | PDF  | 2.64 MB

En 1999, avec l'aide précieuse de quelques amis tunisiens, nous avions raconté par le menu dans ce livre l'ascension du chef de l'État déchu à l'ombre d'un Bourguiba finissant. Nous avions dit comment, après le « coup d'État médical » contre le « père de l'indépendance », le 7 novembre 1987, il avait roulé dans la farine les démocrates laïcs avant de se retourner contre les « barbus ». Nous avions dénoncé l'indulgence - déjà ! - des hommes politiques français, de droite comme de gauche. Et nous avions narré en détail comment la « Famille » du président pillait le pays. Tout était écrit. Aujourd'hui que le démantèlement du système Ben Ali est à l'ordre du jour, il nous a paru utile de rééditer l'ouvrage, sans modifier les pages écrites il y a plus de dix ans, car elles décrivent pour l'histoire les mécanismes qui ont permisà cette dictature de durer si longtemps. Dans une postface inédite, nous évoquons son évolution au cours des années 2000, marquée par la montée en puissance de Leila Trabelsi, la « régente de Carthage », et de son clan. Et, bien sûr, la « révolution de jasmin » qui a ouvert la voie, souhaitons-le, à une nouvelle Tunisie.... 


M.Mzali, "Un premier ministre de Bourguiba temoigne"

Picollec | 2004 | Francais | ISBN 2864772108 | 427 pages | PDF  | 6.12 MB
L'histoire de mon limogeage, mardi 8 juillet 1986, illustre de manièretragico-burlesque le vieil adage romain qui assure que la Roche Tarpéienned'où l'on précipitait les condamnés n'était pas loin du Capitole, lieuemblématique de l'exercice du pouvoir.Ce jour-là, de retour de mon travail, j'étais installé devant le poste detélévision pour regarder, comme d'habitude, le journal télévisé de 20 heures.J'étais seul à la maison, mon épouse et mes enfants s'étant rendus chez monbeau-frère Férid Mokhtar dont on commémorait le quarantième jour dudécès, dans un accident de la circulation.Le journal télévisé s'ouvre par une annonce lue d'une voix monocorde,par une speakerine impassible : « Le président Bourguiba a décidé dedécharger M. Mohamed Mzali de ses fonctions de Premier ministre et denommer M. Rachid Sfar au poste de Premier ministre ». Sans autre  commentaire !... 


July 24, 2011

New Headway: Workbook Pack (Workbook and Audio CD) With Key Elementary level, 4 Edition

John Soars, "New Headway: Workbook Pack (Workbook and Audio CD) With Key Elementary level: General English for Adults, 4 Edition"  
Oxford University Press | 2011 | 98 pages, Audio CD | PDF, Mp3 | 50 + 74 MB


Audio CD

Inside Track to Writing Dissertations and Theses

Successful Dissertation Writing will guide you through the whole process of writing an academic dissertation, developing your ability to communicate your ideas and research fluently and successfully. From conducting research, working with a supervisor, understanding and avoiding plagiarism, right through to using feedback and editing to improve your work and your skills, it will ensure that you understand and master the more technical elements of producing well-written academic work. 


Essentials for Successful English Language Teaching

Essentials For Successful English Language Teaching is about how we teach English Language Learners (ELLs) and how our ELLs learn. Farrell and Jacobs encourage those involved in teaching English to develop, maintain and rediscover the reasons that led them to take up the profession.

Semantics (Language Workbooks)

Semantics is an accessible and practical introduction to formal semantics, the study of linguistic meaning, for students new to the subject 


July 4, 2011

An Introduction to Language

Whether you are studying education, languages, psychology, anthropology, English, or teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), AN INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE, International Edition, offers the information you need in a clear and descriptive manner that assumes no prior knowledge of linguistics. 

June 15, 2011

The Second Sex

The Second Sex (French: Le Deuxième Sexe, June 1949) is one of the best-known works of the French existentialist Simone de Beauvoir. It is a work on the treatment of women throughout history and often regarded as a major work of feminist literature. 

June 7, 2011

Online Second Language Acquisition: Conversation Analysis of Online Chat

A book-length exploration of the role of online chat in supporting the teaching and learning of foreign languages is well overdue.

ETI Mag Nº 1 (April 2011)

ETI Mag is a monthly publication that offers a wider range of materials for students of different ages and levels; posters, ideas, suggestions and ready made activities, and uses the internet as a valuable resource to motivate both teachers and students. 


May 23, 2011

NorthStar Listening and Speaking Advanced

NorthStar is a five-level series for Introductory to Advanced learners. Each unit links reading/writing and listening/speaking, to help students build language competence while encouraging critical thinking and personal expression. 


Quantity Implicatures

Bart Geurts, "Quantity Implicatures"
Cambridge Uni versity Pre ss | 2011 | ISBN: 0521769132 | 220 pages | PDF | 1,8 MB

In recent years, quantity implicatures - a type of pragmatic inference - have been widely debated in linguistics, philosophy, and psychology, and have been subject to an enormous variety of analyses, ranging from lexical, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic, to various hybrid accounts. In this first book-length discussion of the topic, Bart Geurts presents a theory of quantity implicatures that is resolutely pragmatic, arguing that the orthodox Gricean approach to conversational implicature is capable of accounting for all the standard cases of quantity implicature, and more. He shows how the theory deals with free-choice inferences as merely a garden variety of quantity implicatures, and gives an in-depth treatment of so-called 'embedded implicatures'. Moreover, as well as offering a comprehensive theory of quantity implicatures, he also takes into account experimental data and processing issues. Original and pioneering, and avoiding technical terminology, this insightful study will be invaluable to linguists, philosophers, and experimental psychologists alike.


An Introduction to Functional Grammar, 2 edition

M. A. K. Halliday, "An Introduction to Functional Grammar, 2 edition"
A Hodder Arnold Publication | 1994 | ISBN: 0340574917 | 472 pages | PDF | 10,6 MB

This revised edition of the classic treatment of its subject presents an outline of the grammar of modern English in the framework of systemic-functional linguistic theory and serves as an introduction to functional theory in general, which can be used for describing any language in its own terms. The description of English presented here has been widely used in a number of applied linguistics contexts, particularly artificial intelligence and language education, both second language and mother tongue, but also in literary stylistics and other fields requiring a rich interpretation of the text. 


May 19, 2011

Exploring Language Structure

Designed for those beginning to study linguistics, this is a lively introduction to two key aspects of the structure of language: syntax (the structure of sentences) and morphology (the structure of words). 

May 17, 2011

Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method

Gerard Genette, "Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method"
Cornell University Press | 1983 | ISBN: 0801492599 | 288 pages | PDF | 7.86 Mb

Gerard Genette builds a systematic theory of narrative upon an anlaysis of the writings of Marcel Proust, particularly 'Remembrance of Things Past.'
Adopting what is essentially a structuralist approach, the author identifies and names the basic constituents and techniques of narrative and illustrates them by referring to literary works in many languages. 

Fiction & Diction

Gérard Genette, "Fiction & Diction"
Cornell Univ Press | 1993 | ISBN: 0801480868 | 176 pages | PDF | 29.05 Mb

One of the founders of structuralist literary theory, Gerard Genette here addresses the question of "literariness" -- of what it is that makes a text an aesthetic object. Published in French in 1991, Fiction and Diction explores the conditions under which a written or spoken text is perceived as "literature". With reference to writers and theorists from Aristotle to Moliere to Iris Murdoch, Genette investigates the different facets -- particularly "regimes", "criteria" and "modes" -- of literariness. 


May 16, 2011

The Cultural Analysis of Texts

The Cultural Analysis of Texts By Mikko Lehtonen
Publisher: Sage Publications 2000 | 184 Pages | ISBN: 0761965505 , 0761965513 | File type: PDF | 1 mb 


The Chomsky Effect: A Radical Works Beyond the Ivory Tower

Robert F. Barsky, "The Chomsky Effect: A Radical Works Beyond the Ivory Tower"
Publisher: The MIT Press | ISBN 10: 0262026244 | 2007 | File type: PDF | 416 pages | 2.8 mb

"People are dangerous. If they're able to involve themselves in issues that matter, they may change the distribution of power, to the detriment of those who are rich and privileged."
Noam Chomsky 

A Marxist Philosophy of Language

The purpose of this book is to give a precise meaning to the formula. English is the language of imperialism. Understanding that statement involves a critique of the dominant views of language, both in the field of linguistics (the book has a chapter criticising Chomsky's research programme) and of the philosophy of language (the book has a chapter assessing Habermas's philosophy of communicative action). 

An Introduction to Literary Studies

In this volume, Mario Klarer provides the essential beginner's guide to English literary studies. Offering a concise, easy-to-understand discussion of central issues in the study of literary texts, 

The Annotated Shakespeare

The annotated Shakespeare: three volumes in one illustrated: the comedies, the histories, sonnets, and other poems, the tragedies and romances I edited, with introductions, notes, a biography and bibliography by A.L. Rowse. 


May 15, 2011

English Vocabulary Organiser: 100 Topics for Self-study

A students' workbook for those learners tackling the huge area of vocabulary. One hundred topics are covered, with two pages dedicated to each topic, making this a comprehensive book. It should be useful to all students sitting Cambridge examinations. 

Easy English with Games and Activities 2

This new series of 5 activity books was created to enable students to review and consolidate the grammar and vocabulary learnt over the school year. Students can practise English independently through involving exercises, whether in class or through use at home as an exercise book or holiday book.  

May 10, 2011

Veil: Modesty, Privacy and Resistance

Fadwa El Guindi, “Veil: Modesty, Privacy and Resistance (Dress, Body, Culture)” 
Publisher: Berg Publishers | ISBN 10: 1859739245 | 1999 | File type: PDF | 224 pages | 10.7 mb 

A University Grammar of English

Randolph Quirk, “A University Grammar of English”
Longman  | 1973 | 484 pages | 54,5 mb 


Cambridge English Skills - Real Listening and Speaking 1

Real Listening Speaking 1 ( Book, 2 CDs)
Cambridge University Press | 2008 | ISBN: 9780521701 | PDF, wma | 113 Pages | 70 mb

Cambridge English Skills is a four level skills series for adults and young adult learners. Learners can develop the skills they need to write English confidently wherever they are - at home, at work, travelling, studying or just in social situations with English-speaking friends. 


Language and Equilibrium

In Language and Equilibrium, Prashant Parikh offers a new account of meaning for natural language. He argues that equilibrium, or balance among multiple interacting forces, is a key attribute of language and meaning and shows how to derive the meaning of an utterance from first principles by modeling it as a system of interdependent games. 


May 9, 2011

Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Second Language Learning and Teaching

Cognitive linguistics is a relatively new discipline which is rapidly becoming mainstream and influential, particularly in the area of second language teaching. This book looks at how cognitive linguistics can inform our teaching, and lead to intriguing suggestions for alternative ways of presenting grammar and vocabulary in the language classroom. 


May 5, 2011

Future Jihad: Terrorist Strategies Against America

Walid Phares - Future Jihad: Terrorist Strategies Against America
Palgrave Macmillan | 2005 | ISBN: 1403970742 | Pages: 288 | PDF | 5.00 MB 


The Mind of Jihad

Laurent Murawiec " The Mind of Jihad"
Cambridge University Press | 2008-10-31 | ISBN: 0521883938 | 352 pages | PDF | 1,7 MB

This book examines contemporary jihad as a cult of violence and power. All jihadi groups, whether Shiite or Sunni, Arab or not, are characterized by a similar bloodlust. 


Jihad. Expansion et déclin de l'islamisme

Gilles Kepel, Jihad. Expansion et déclin de l'islamisme
Gallimard |  751 Pages | ISBN: 2070429318 | 97 MB

Jihad Beyond Islam

Gabriele Marranci - Jihad Beyond Islam
Berg Publishers | 2006 | Pages: 224 | PDF | 1.61 MB

"Jihad" is a highly charged word. Often mistranslated as "Holy War", it has become synonymous with terrorism. Current political events have entirely failed to take account of the subtlety and complexity of jihad. Like many concepts with a long history, different cultural ideas have influenced the religious aspects of jihad. As a result its original meaning has been adapted, modified and destabilized--never more than at the present time. 


Islam In The Digital Age: E-Jihad

Gary R. Bunt, "Islam In The Digital Age: E-Jihad, Online Fatwas and Cyber Islamic Environments (Critical Studies on Islam)"
Publisher: Pluto Press | 2003 | ISBN 0745320996 | PDF | 244 pages | 10.3 MB

The Internet is an increasingly important source of information for many people in the Muslim world. Many Muslims in majority and minority contexts rely on the Internet -- including websites and e-mail -- as a primary source of news, information and communication about Islam. As a result, a new media culture is emerging which is having a significant impact on areas of global Muslim consciousness.  


Jihad: From Qu'ran to bin Laden

Richard Bonney, "Jihad: From Qu'ran to bin Laden"
Palgrave Macmillan (2004) | English | ISBN: 1403933723 | 626 pages | PDF | 5.36 MB

The book provides a unique and balanced coverage of the historical evolution of the concept of jihad, and mainstream moderate Islamic views of the concept from the Qu'ran to the Twenty-first-century. 

Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice

Michael Bonner, "Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice"
Publisher: Princeton University Press | 2008 | ISBN 0691138389 | PDF | 224 pages | 12 MB

What is jihad? Does it mean violence, as many non-Muslims assume? Or does it mean peace, as some Muslims insist? Because jihad is closely associated with the early spread of Islam, today's debate about the origin and meaning of jihad is nothing less than a struggle over Islam itself. 


Understanding the Hadith

Ram Swarup, "Understanding the Hadith: The Sacred Traditions of Islam"
Prometheus Books | 2002 | ISBN: 1591020174 | 258 pages | PDF | 1,4 MB 


May 3, 2011

Reaping the Whirlwind: Al Qa'ida and the Holy War

First published weeks before Al Qa’ida became the most reviled Islamist movement in history, this thoroughly updated edition of Michael Griffin’s acclaimed book provides a cradle-to-grave narrative of Afghanistan's Taliban movement, its relationship with Osama bin Laden, the hatching of the September 11 conspiracy and the war that followed the destruction of the World Trade Center. 

Jihad in Saudi Arabia: Violence and Pan-Islamism since 1979

Saudi Arabia, homeland of Osama bin Laden and many 9/11 hijackers, is widely considered to be the heartland of radical Islamism. For decades, the conservative and oil-rich kingdom contributed recruits, ideologues and money to jihadi groups worldwide. Yet Islamism within Saudi Arabia itself remains poorly understood. Why has Saudi Arabia produced so many militants? Has the Saudi government supported violent groups? 

The Last Jihad

Joel C. Rosenberg, "The Last Jihad"
Publisher: Forge / Tom Doherty Associates | 2002 | PDF | 352 pages | 1.3 MB 

Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language

In this book are entries introducing eighty ideas that have shaped the study of language up to the present day. Written by experts in the fields of linguistics and the philosophy of language, these entries reflect the full range of approaches and modes of thought. 

April 30, 2011

British troops could be deployed to Tunisia

British troops could be deployed to the Libyan border to guard refugees fleeing the Gaddafi regime, Liam Fox signalled yesterday. Although the Government has repeatedly stressed it would not send ground troops into Libya, Dr Fox suggested UK soldiers could be dispatched to its border with Tunisia to enforce “safe havens” protecting refugees from attacks by Gaddafi’s troops.

April 29, 2011

Princess Diana: A photographic story of a life

Learn all about the Queen of Hearts from her life in the media spotlight as wife of the future King of England to her amazing work for charities. Whether you need some extra help for a school project or just want to find out more, this book will tell you all you need to know about Princess Diana's incredible life.